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Sunday, August 12, 2007


In some previous articles, we defended and endorsed the use of natural medicine (the one that uses substances elaborated by the own human body and sometimes for certain vegetables, animals and minerals). For that reason, we comment the logic and the kindness of : 1) Prolotherapy: a series of injections containing concentrated sugar solution + lidocaine -for several months- in injured local areas in order to produce an answer (inflammation of low grade + factors of growth), promoting self-healing of ligaments, tendons and cartilages, usually supplied with little blood irrigation. Additional studies have showed that the technique is also able to eliminate arthritis´discomfort, when augmenting connective tissue support of the articulation. The osteopath Donna Alderman, has published 2 articles in Practical Pain Management, sustaining that Prolotherapy is used in USA, from 1930, healing professional athletes ínjuries. According to Alderman, patients with chronic low back pain, with damage to sacroiliac ligaments, increased the diameter of their connective tissue after 3 months of treatment. In insults to the knee the ligaments recover their strenght. 2) The matter also cares, because it questions the employment of steroid and non-steroid anti-inflamatories derugs (Ibuprofen, and others) that although suppress the inflammation give single temporary relief and don't regenerate tissues. Dean Reeves, of University of Kansas Medical Center, says that prolotherapy, even repairs tissues years after having happened the damage. The technique has received documented support of the Mayo Clinic/April 2005.
