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Sunday, December 27, 2009


Although morning stiffness may be due to factors unrelated to aging, as we age if we sit or lay without moving a long time, changes associated with articular cartilage, decreased joint fluid of joint space and contracture of ligaments and tendons will promote osteoarthritis. Besides resting promotes joint fluid is distributed less evenly in the joint space, reversible process when we resume our activity, says Mark S. Lachs (Weill Medical College of Cornell University). However, if stiffness occurs at certain times of day, it will be necessary to search for other diseases.


Aunque la rigidéz matutina puede ser debida a factores no relacionados con la vejéz, a medida que envejecemos si permanecemos sentados o echados sin movernos mucho tiempo, los cambios asociados al cartilago articular, a la disminución del liquido del espacio articular y la contractura de ligamentos y tendones promoverán osteoartritis. Además en reposo el liquido articular se distribuye en forma menos uniforme en el espacio articular, proceso reversible al reasumir nuestra actividad, sostiene Mark S. Lachs (Weill Medical College of Cornell University). Empero, si la rigidéz se presenta a determinadas horas del dia, será necesario buscar otras enfermedades.



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