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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Although in the last Plenary Session of the International Conference on High Energy Physics carried out yesterday, evidences of the existence of Higgs boson were not shown (hypothetical particle that gives mass to other particles), at least it is known where it isn’t located. Previous experiments suggested that Higgs boson had a mass between 114 and 185 GeV: gigaelectronvolts (1 GeV = mass of 1 proton). Guy Wormser and Robert Roser informed yesterday that the 2 detectors of the Tevatron (USA); had discarded that the mass of Higgs boson were between 158 and 175 GeV (¼ range of calculated energies). Given the elusivity of Higgs boson, now is tried to build a collider but big with coming funds from all over the world. Instead of flying along giant rings the new one will accelerate electrons and positrons straight (International Linear Collider). With it, Tevatron and LHC, are announced deaths. And ¡they cost so much!.


Aunque en la ultima Sesión Plenaria del International Conference on High Energy Physics realizada ayer, no se mostraron evidencias de la existencia del bosón de Higgs (particula hipotética que da masa a otras partículas), al menos se sabe donde no esta. Experimentos previos sugerian que el bosón de Higgs tenía una masa de entre 114 y 185 GeV : gigaelectronvolts (1 GeV = masa de 1 proton). Guy Wormser y Robert Roser informaron ayer que los 2 detectores del Tevatron (USA); habían descartado que la masa del bosón de Higgs estuviese entre 158 y 175 GeV (¼ del rango de posibles energías). Dada la elusividad del bosón, ahora se intenta construir un colisionador mas grande con fondos provenientes de todo el mundo. En lugar de revolotear a lo largo de anillos gigantes las nuevas maquinas aceleraran electrones y positrones en línea recta (Linear Collider). Con ello tanto el Tevatron como LHC, son crónicas de muertes anunciadas. ¡Y, costaron tanto!.



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