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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Thanks to the NYTimes, we can see pictures that show the long road between the first and dark stains developed by C. Golgi (1873), to Ramon y Cajal (1898), who described populations of individual neurons to the current photo (M.R.I. Diffussion/Scanning electronic microscopy), showing the routes of neurons and dendrites thanks to the use of modified rabies virus. Clusters of interconnected neurons, through fluorescent protein derived from jellyfish, stained by specific antibodies, etc. Beautiful pictures condensed by Carl Schoonover, a doctoral student in neuroscience at Columbia: "Portraits of the Mind: Visualizing the Brain from Antiquity to the 21st Century" from the publisher Abrams. As Schoonover and other scientists conclude, it is clear that we are bio-robots with just certain emerging evolutionary properties (consciousness) and what we called free will. There is nothing special in our inner self, only neural circuits.


Gracias al NYTimes, observamos fotos que muestran el largo camino recorrido entre las primeras y oscuras tinciones desarrolladas por C. Golgi (1873), pasando por Ramón y Cajal (1898), que describió poblaciones de neuronas individuales hasta las actuales fotografías (M.R.I.diffussion/Scanning electronic microscopy), mostrando vías de neuronas y dentritas merced al empleo del virus de la rabia modificados exhibiendo racimos de neuronas interconectadas entre sí, merced a proteínas fosforescentes obtenidas de medusas, tinción por anticuerpos específicos, etc. Un conglomerado de bellísimas fotos condensadas por Carl Schoonover, un doctorando en Neurociencia en Columbia : “Portraits of the Mind: Visualizing the Brain from Antiquity to the 21st Century” de la editorial Abrams. Como concluye Schoonover y otros científicos al final queda claro que apenas somos bio-robots con ciertas propiedades evolutivas emergentes (conciencia) y lo que damos en llamar libre albedrio. No hay nada especial en nuestro yo interno, solo circuitos neurales.



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