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Wednesday, November 23, 2011


A pity that company Geron stopped (14.11.2011), its clinical trials for spinal cord repair in humans using embryonic stem cells (ESC). Geron is now devoted to anticancer therapy where within there is several cancer cells, one of them a cancer stem cell, extremely resistant to chemotherapy. Businessmen, invested in Geron project by impressive reparation of damaged spinal cords of mice and because initially it was easy to develop neural precursors from ESC. In the dourse of time they realized that although none of the 8 human enrolled in the experiment suffered side effects of magnitude, the phenomenon was more complex because many more cells existed in humans involved, because some mice developed tumors, because strategic approaches were erroneous, because there were no immediate money returns. Now only remains Advanced Cell Technology (ACT/USA), which specializes in degenerative eye diseases using specialized retinal cells. What's more, products and processes involving ESC, are not patentable at least in Europe.


Una pena que la compañía Geron halla detenido (14/11/2011), sus ensayos clínicos de reparación de médula espinal en humanos empleando células madre embrionarias (CME). Geron se dedica ahora a la terapia anticancerígena -donde dentro de varias- existe una célula madre-cancerosa extremadamente resistente a quimioterápicos. Hombres de negocios, invirtieron en Geron por los impresionantes resultados reparativos de médulas espinales dañadas de ratones y porque inicialmente fué fácil desarrollar precursores neurales celulares a partir de CME. Andando el tiempo se percataron que aunque ninguno de los 8 humanos enrolados sufrió efectos colaterales de magnitud, el fenómeno era más complejo por existir en humanos muchas células involucradas, porque algunos ratones desarrollaron tumores, por enfoques estratégicos erróneos y porque no se vislumbraban réditos inmediatos. Ahora solo queda Advanced Cell Technology (ACT/USA), especializada en enfermedades oculares degenerativas empleando células retinales especializadas. Por si fuera poco, los productos y procesos que involucran CME, no son patentables al menos en Europa.



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